ProText 2: New French Dramaturgy

  „Protext“ is a platform, offering a fresh look at the contemporary dramaturgy, the possible spaces for theatre-making and the relationship between the text and the stage.


The second edition of the project presents performance readings of contemporary French dramaturgy, situated in non-theatrical spaces.


Organizers of the project: Vassilena Radeva, Gergana Dimitrova, Mladen Aleksiev


“ Intrusion” by Frédéric Sonntag

Translated by:Svetlana Pancheva



Concept:Gergana Dimitrova

Directors:Gergana Dimitrova, Vassilena Radeva, Mladen Aleksiev

Cast: Elena Dimitrova, Zorka Antonova, Irina Docheva, Hristo Petkov, Tsvetan Aleksiev

Scenography:Elena Shopova, Nikola Nalbantov

Music: Sergey Glinkov (lowhum)

Video and live video-mixing:Nikola Apostolov, Lyubomir Draganov

Cameraman:Ognyan Golev

First performance took place at: SU “St. Kliment Ohridski”, Frankophone Centre


“Not Moving” by Emmanuel Darley

Translated by: Natasha Kolevska-Kurteva



Concept:Vassilena Radeva

Directors:Vassilena Radeva, Gergana Dimitrova, Mladen Aleksiev

Cast: Ognyan Golev, Petar Meltev

Scenography:Ralitsa Toneva

Music: Sergey Glinkov (lowhum)

Live Drawing:Ralitsa Toneva

First performance took place at: SU “St. Kliment Ohridski”, Round lobby at the 4th floor



The selection of the second edition of “ProText” included the plays:


“Not Moving” by Emmanuel Darley

“ Intrusion” byFrédéric Sonntag

“Alpenstock” byRémi De Vos

“Theatre Without Animals” by Jean-Michel Ribes

Laurent Mulesan consulted the selection – he is one of the playwrights with the “La Comedie Francais”, Paris. The translations are the work of the translators: Venetea Doycheva, Natasha Kolevska and Svetlana Pancheva.


The second edition of “ProText” goes under the slogan “Struggle continues”, thus discretely commemorating the anniversary of the May ’68 protests that shivered France, on the one hand, and as an explicit demonstration of the direction the project takes, on the other hand. Our second happening I localized in the Sofia University premises, so that no historical gaps are to be filled in.


SU “St. Klment Ohridski”, Sofia, Bulgaria, 2008

The project takes place with the support of the Ministry of Culture and the French Institute – Sofia.


Project’s partners: Frankophone Centre, Sofia University “St. Klment Ohridski” and University Theatre @lma @lter.




“Intrusion” by Frédéric Sonntag

“Not Moving” by Emmanuel Darley